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    Eating healthy always. Exercising everywhere.

    I am Mark Bruso and I just love talking about super healthy fitness and weight loss strategies.


    Through reading and application of learned principles, I have discovered how to change my thinking and follow a healthy eating plan and exercise routine.


    This blog space is a way for me to help others with the few - but howbeit powerful - secrets that I have picked up along my health and fitness journey.


    A lot of the things that will be shared here are life changing way beyond their effects on health and fitness.


    Most of these might be spring boards for your to find your own unique fitness solution. One thing that I however do strongly believe is that in the end it is all about easy ways to boost your metabolism.


    And don’t forget that life is for living, I want to help you achieve the best health and fitness you can so that you can live life to its fullest.

  • Blogroll

    Just my thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    You will discover that there are particular ways of performing exercises that might assist you to considerably burn more body fat in the course of your exercises. They are not really hacks as such but somewhat easy changes which can boost your fat burning results. On the other hand, they may...
    When it comes to living a healthy and balanced life, fats are crucial for having good general health. This is even more critical as a person becomes older. It is therefore necessary to understand that your system needs regular intake of dietary fats. Ingesting satisfactory amounts of fat is...
    There is a type of fat which we have been told was evil for a very long time. Interestingly, new evidence is today painting a completely different picture of the health and weight loss benefits of this fat. This fat has the ability to help you the most when it comes to weight as it is one of...
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